NACM Southern Valley provides a full range of collection services, from pre-collection services to final demand notices. These services can be integrated into your collection process, allowing the ability to create the most effective collection system possible. Our professional staff of collectors acts as an extension to your credit department, working with you and your customer to obtain positive results.

Delinquent accounts drain a company’s profits and negatively impact cash flow. They also eat away at credit department resources that could be used in more profitable activity. Statistics on past due accounts are revealing:

  • After only 60 days, over 15% of delinquent accounts will never be collected.
  • After just 90 days, over 27% of delinquent accounts will go uncollected.
  • At six months, there is over a 43% chance that a delinquent account will never be collected.

The conclusion from these statistics is clear: past due receivables demand immediate and effective action. Recovery of a company’s money can be quick and easy with collection services offered by NACM Southern Valley, which specializes in the collection of past due accounts on a local, national and international basis. Accounts receive aggressive action from NACM Southern Valley’s experienced collection staff, while keeping a corporate credit department informed with periodic status reports.

NACM Southern Valley will collect your past due accounts, large or small, as quickly as possible.

We are firm, but fair, with your customers, with the primary objective to collect your money. Usually, the first step after the account is placed is to notify your debtor and make an immediate demand for full payment. The intensity of the phone calls increases if payment is not made. If direct personal contact is appropriate, NACM Affiliates have many resources, including their nationwide network.

When necessary, NACM Southern Valley will forward an account to one of the bonded attorneys in its tried and proven network. NACM Affiliates exhaust all collection possibilities before recommending litigation to you. All funds collected are placed in separate trust accounts.

NACM Southern Valley’s collection services include:

10-Day Demand Service: This tool firmly, but tactfully, gives the past due customer a final notice to pay in full by a specified date. If the debtor fails to respond, the account automatically receives immediate action service.

Action and Litigation

Immediate Action Service: When fast results are needed on a problem account, NACM Southern Valley’s collection services are a trusted choice. Our experienced collection staff uses professional techniques to effect collection. If the debtor fails to respond or is uncooperative and further action is required, the account is forwarded to litigation. If the debtor is outside of your service area, the account may be forwarded to an NACM Affiliate or attorney in the debtor’s area.

To place a claim for collection, please click here and complete the Collection Placement form.