Every day, members turn to NACM Southern Valley for the essential resources needed to stay current in the profession. Membership is a prerequisite to Industry Credit Group participation.

Benefits of membership include:

NACM’s eNews Weekly Update provides targeted and timely news briefs of interest to the credit and financial community. You’ll receive eNews each Thursday by email as a benefit of membership.

Business Credit magazine, another benefit of membership, keeps you up-to-date and informed on the credit issues that affect the way you do business. Published nine times a year, Business Credit will situate you on the cutting edge of trends, news and important legislative issues. Past issues of Business Credit are archived and available in flip-through format on the NACM website in addition to the online Resource Library.

Created from a monthly survey of credit and collection professionals, NACM’s Credit Managers’ Index (CMI) tracks favorable and unfavorable factors in the monthly business cycle. The CMI is a benchmarking and forecasting tool that has gained rapid acceptance among the business and financial community as an economic indicator to both watch and report on. Participants earn one Roadmap Point for participating in 10 surveys in a 12-month period.

NACM’s Monthly Survey is another way to make your voice count. To participate, watch for new survey questions in your eNews Weekly Update. In appreciation for your participation, you will earn .1 Roadmap Point toward an NACM designation and a chance to win a FREE teleconference registration. If you have a suggestion for a survey question that you would like to be considered by the editorial staff, please email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

New NACM Members enjoy, upon signing, the following:

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Complete the Member Application online.

Once your application is processed, an NACM East Tennessee representative will contact you and welcome you to the community!